Lionel Messi Hong Kong Refund: Fans to Receive 50% Compensation

Fans who eagerly anticipated watching Lionel Messi in action in Hong Kong, only to see him sidelined, will now receive a 50% refund.

Event Details

A sell-out crowd paid up to 880 Hong Kong dollars ($110) to witness the eight-time Ballon d’Or winner play in an Inter Miami tour match against a Hong Kong select XI on February 4.

Disappointment and Controversy

However, Messi remained benched due to injury, sparking disappointment among fans, who booed his absence. This led to controversy in China, with many viewing Messi’s no-show as a political statement.

Refund Offer

Organizer Tatler Asia has announced a 50% refund for those who purchased tickets through official channels. However, accepting the refund comes with conditions, including abstaining from legal action.

Backlash and Fallout

Tatler Asia faced criticism for its handling of the situation, prompting the withdrawal of its application for a HK$16 million government grant to fund the event.

Inter Miami’s Next Move

Following the Hong Kong debacle, Inter Miami continued their tour in Japan, where Messi played in a friendly match against Vissel Kobe in Tokyo, further fueling the ire of Chinese fans.


Why did Lionel Messi miss the match in Hong Kong?

Lionel Messi was unable to participate in the scheduled match in Hong Kong due to an injury. Despite fans’ anticipation, he remained on the bench, leading to disappointment among spectators.

What led to the controversy surrounding Messi’s absence?

Messi’s absence from the match sparked controversy, particularly in China, where some interpreted it as a political statement. This perception added to the disappointment of fans who had eagerly awaited the opportunity to see Messi play.

What are the conditions for receiving the refund for the Hong Kong match tickets?

To receive a 50% refund for tickets purchased through official channels, fans must agree not to pursue legal action against the event organizer, Tatler Asia, or any regulatory authority. This condition accompanies the offer made in response to the disappointment caused by Messi’s absence.

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